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File Locking not released

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    Hello, could you send more information, all graph or describe your use case? I suppose you have tried this on Windows. What reader does it?
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    Try universal data reader, that is ok. I found out deprecated delimiter data raeder don't close the files... in version 2.6
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    Hi there,

    I'm encountering a similar issue (using version 3.2.1).

    I'm using ComplexDataReader to process SourceFile.txt. And then, on a subsequent phase in the same graph, I am using SystemExecute to move SourceFile.txt to an archive folder. But it's giving me this error:
    ERROR [SYS_EXECUTE1_0] - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.

    Another problem I'm having is renaming a file. I am using XLSDataWriter to write TargetFile.xls. And then, on the next phase in the same graph, I use SystemExecute to rename the file to add YYMMDD, i.e. TargetFile_120322.xls. This is giving me the same error above.

    How can I close the file handle or unlock it? Please help!
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    Hi jus,

    see viewtopic.php?f=5&t=5233&p=8403&sid=e07332bbe0ab908e3380272ca44a8462#p8403 for answer.

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