I am using XLSReader component to read data from XLS file.
when i give the location of file and other options like parser to XLS instrad of AUTO and other options remaining same.
i also created metadata from XLS file and connected to another component.
Then i use view data by right clicking the node. i used text format not grid while view data ,I get a unreadable format of something.
so can anybody help me in reading XLS file.
I also tried matching rows also.
Thanks in advance
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I am using XLSReader component to read data from XLS file.
when i give the location of file and other options like parser to XLS instrad of AUTO and other options remaining same.
i also created metadata from XLS file and connected to another component.
Then i use view data by right clicking the node. i used text format not grid while view data ,I get a unreadable format of something.
so can anybody help me in reading XLS file.
I also tried matching rows also.
Thanks in advance
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Hello Sandeep,
text view is only preview of a flat file, so you see the file like it looks in real. To see the data, you have to choose grid view mode. Than data are parsed as defined in metadata and displayed on the screen. -
i tried grid view....... i did not get any output there......i got a blank page or error while i choose grid view...............can u give me a sample graph which successfully reads the xls data -
What was the error message? If you create the metadata from xls file by "Extract from XLS(X) file" wizard, view data should work without any error.
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