Hi i am new to this tool and trying to learn it. When i am trying to connect to teradata it is giving me the error java.nullpointer.exception could any one help me to figure this out
Hello mohankrishnas,
I can't reproduce the problem with CloverETL Designer 2.9.2. Pls check the version. If you use current CloverETL Designer version, please, provide more information: Eclipse version, OS and describe steps to reproduce. -
HI I am using CLover Etl Verion 2.9
Os Windows XP -
I have downloaded clovewr etl from the official site and installed it .
I have added teradata drivers and able to add it to clover etl.The connection got validated successfully.
When i am trying to establish the metadata connection it is giving me the error
" Unknown error when creating schema tree"
After that when i try to save the mapping it is giving me null pointer exception.
I am very new to this tool so let me know if i missed any congarations -
is something in error log (Window --> Show View --> Other --> General --> Error Log)?
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