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JMSConnection and JMSReader

Comments 4

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    Hi Nniol,

    You are using extremely outdated version which is not supported any more. There is plenty of JMS bugs fixed since then.

    Having said that, please see documentation of Edit JMS Connection Wizard. Sample there should help you.

    I hope this helps.
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    Thanks for the quick reply.

    I know the version is outdated however it is what I have to work with.

    I have looked at this page before and I guess the issue here is my lack of MQ knowledge.

    However are there any samples of processor code or message selection code?

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    Hi Nniol,

    Since the version you work with is extremely old, the only potential source of information might be our documentation. The thing is, though, it is always available only only for the latest version.

    Hope this help.
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    I have fixed it... it was really a lack of MQ knowledge which caused the issue

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