I am working with Clover 2.9.7 and have an issue setting up a JMSConnection and JMSReader
The setup is the we have a WebSphere Applicaiton Server which we can access, we are running extracts from an MQ Queue and putting the data into the database.
I need help in configuering the JMSConnection and how to setup the code to processs the messages / select valid messages fro mthe queue (ideally it would be all messages)
I have looked all round the net but can not find any examples beyond what is in the help fikes and for someone who is not really used to MQ it is a little odd.
In the JMSConnection we have the following:
#Thu Jan 22 17:15:35 CET 2015
providerUrl= [ Is this the url to the MQ client?]
connectionFactory= Where is this defined? Should it be defined in Websphere allowing us to acces it here?
destId= What exactly is this? A JNDI name, but for what
iniCtxFactory= java class for the context factory
With the JMSReader, are there any examples of Processor Code or JMS message selector?
Many thanks,
I am working with Clover 2.9.7 and have an issue setting up a JMSConnection and JMSReader
The setup is the we have a WebSphere Applicaiton Server which we can access, we are running extracts from an MQ Queue and putting the data into the database.
I need help in configuering the JMSConnection and how to setup the code to processs the messages / select valid messages fro mthe queue (ideally it would be all messages)
I have looked all round the net but can not find any examples beyond what is in the help fikes and for someone who is not really used to MQ it is a little odd.
In the JMSConnection we have the following:
#Thu Jan 22 17:15:35 CET 2015
providerUrl= [ Is this the url to the MQ client?]
connectionFactory= Where is this defined? Should it be defined in Websphere allowing us to acces it here?
destId= What exactly is this? A JNDI name, but for what
iniCtxFactory= java class for the context factory
With the JMSReader, are there any examples of Processor Code or JMS message selector?
Many thanks,
Hi Nniol,
You are using extremely outdated version which is not supported any more. There is plenty of JMS bugs fixed since then.
Having said that, please see documentation of Edit JMS Connection Wizard. Sample there should help you.
I hope this helps. -
Thanks for the quick reply.
I know the version is outdated however it is what I have to work with.
I have looked at this page before and I guess the issue here is my lack of MQ knowledge.
However are there any samples of processor code or message selection code?
Thanks -
Hi Nniol,
Since the version you work with is extremely old, the only potential source of information might be our documentation. The thing is, though, it is always available only only for the latest version.
Hope this help. -
I have fixed it... it was really a lack of MQ knowledge which caused the issue
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